The Starting Artist
Free Trial
- 1 artwork exhibited
- Limited one month
- 70% on sales*
* The artist keeps 70% of the revenue generated from the sale of his or her artwork on any one of Arter Heaven’s platform. Shipping fees are handled by the artist.
The Emerging Artist
- 3 artworks exhibited
- 70% on sales*
- 3 artworks exhibited
- 3 NFT Implementations
- 70% on sales*
- 5 artworks exhibited
- 5 NFT Implementations
- 70% on sales*
- artist page on website
* The artist keeps 70% of the revenue generated from the sale of his or her artwork on any one of Arter Heaven’s platform. Shipping fees are handled by the artist.
The Established Artist
- your own solo gallery
- 10 artworks exhibited
- 70% on sales*
- your own solo gallery
- 15 artworks exhibited
- 15 NFT implementations
- 70% on sales*
- your own solo gallery
- 25 artworks exhibited
- 25 NFT implementations
- 70% on sales*
- artist page on website
* The artist keeps 70% of the revenue generated from the sale of his or her artwork on any one of Arter Heaven’s platform. Shipping fees are handled by the artist.
The Established Gallery
- your own gallery
- 15 artworks exhibited
- 70% on sales*
- your own gallery
- 25 artworks exhibited
- 25 NFT implementations
- 70% on sales*
- your own gallery
- 50 artworks exhibited
- 50 NFT implementations
- 70% on sales*
* The gallery keeps 70% of the revenue generated from the sale of its artwork on any one of Arter Heaven’s platform. Shipping fees are handled by the gallery.