Where Art Meets Technology

Hi there and welcome. My name is Alexandre Latour.

A Jack of all trades and master of some, as an AI art enthusiast myself, a metaverse designer and someone who is simply very passionate about blockchain technology, I wanted to use my skills to give AI artists a space worthy of exhibiting their creations in the metaverse. This is how Arter Heaven was born.

A Gallery For AI Art

I created Arter Heaven with AI artists in mind, to provide them a space in the metaverse where they can exhibit their AI artwork without having to beg real life art galleries or without risk of having their artwork lost among the millions of tasteless NFTs on NFT marketplaces.

I provide them support in the metaverse by exhibiting their creations in photo-realistic and high quality graphics spaces that I personally design to the style of the artwork being exhibited, and help them turn their artwork into NFTs to reach a broader audience.

All the galleries are easily accessible from a web browser 24/7 where people can just join in with a link, customize their 3D avatar and enjoy a fully immersive artistic and social experience from the comfort of their computer.